2020.10.5 [Mon]-24 [Sat] 13:00 - 18:30  [日・水  休廊]

" /> 西村陽平 展「野の花のように」 – Gallery Kazuki | 画廊香月

西村陽平 展「野の花のように」

Yohei Nishimura Exhibition wild mountain thyme

2020.10.5 [Mon]-10.24 [Sat]

2020.10.5 [Mon]-24 [Sat]
13:00 – 18:30  [日・水  休廊]



Look at the lilies and how they grow.


海まで 30分かけて ゆっくり歩く
今日は ペットボトルを 見つけるために
槙の木の根本に 田んぼに 玉ねぎ畑に パイプの下に 海の砂に埋もれて
見ようと思えば 見えるものだ

我が家の草むらに 投げ捨てられたペットボトル
なぜか 「野の花のように」があらわれる

ペットボトルの過去を取り出すための 火葬






西村陽平 art TNZ 直前インタビュー記事 /Art Scenes
“アーティスト・コレクター・ギャラリスト” 3者の目線でアートの魅力を伝える











土田 眞紀(同志社大学講師/美術史)








焼成によってものは変貌を遂げる。窯のなかで小麦粉はパンになり、 粘土はやきものになり、木片は炭になる。そうして数々の有用のものを人はつくり出してきたが、ひとつ間違えばすべては焼け焦げ、灰になり、無惨な姿を晒すことにもなる。





Nishimura Yohei and Anonymity: Conforming to the Wonder of Nature

Tsuchida Maki(Lecturer at Doshisha University / Art Historian)

There is a book that will be displayed in this exhibition. While preparing for the exhibition, Nishimura turned the pages of a book left in an old house built more than a hundred years ago and noticed a pressed four-leaf clover placed between the pages. The book was Mikan no kokuhaku [Genevieve, or The Unfinished Confidence] (1938) by André Gide. There was a faint trace of underlining on the page where the clover had been inserted. This book is displayed as one of the works in this exhibition. Hearing this, I happened to recall a haiku by Matsuo Basho. “Yamaji kite / naniyara yukashi / sumireso [Along a mountain path, somehow so graceful, a wild violet.]” In Basho’s case, while walking along a mountain trail and, in Nishimura’s case, while turning the pages of a book, they came across a violet and a clover respectively. The two incidents led just as they were, one to a haiku and the other to the current display. I feel that though far apart in space time, these two incidents have something in common.




Basho made it a rule to “conform to zoka [the wonder of nature] and return to it.” (Oi no kobumi [Backpack Notes].) He is said to have lived on journey and to have sought a state where there was no distinction between nature and human effort (artificiality). Meanwhile, in producing his works so far, Nishimura has repeatedly employed commodities produced by humans themselves, things on the artificial side, yet those that people have already lost interest in and that have become useless. In the current exhibition, too, with the exception of Gide’s book, all the works were produced employing utensils left in the same house. The works made by covering rusty iron utensils, the uses of which remain unknown, and a canteen with clay, newspaper, etc. leaving just a little bit uncovered and firing them look like pieces which happened to be dug out of the soil several hundred or thousand years later. When I saw photographs of them taken soon after they were fired, whether because they still contained heat, I felt a vividness as if they were living creatures.
Things are transformed by being fired. Flour becomes bread in the oven, clay becomes ceramic, and wood becomes charcoal. Thus mankind has created numerous useful things. Yet, a single mistake can result in everything being burnt, reduced to ashes, and having to expose a miserable sight. According to the myth of Prometheus, mankind should not have obtained the act of handling fire. Even now that human beings have acquired all kinds of techniques, there are still uncontrollable domains of fire. Nishimura has, for many years, been firing a variety of everyday commodities such as bottle caps, books, buckets, tools, apples, or stones. The outward appearance of the unexpected metamorphosis achieved in the threshold between utility and demolition is presented as is as a work. While the firing is undertaken in accordance with Nishimura’s intention, in the unreachable kiln heated to over 1,000°C, he leaves it to the objects themselves to transform of their own accord. The attitude with which he tirelessly continues firing seems to demonstrate his unyielding will to ascertain how the border between artificial and non-artificial, which was originally a working that only God the Creator should have been in command of, becomes ambiguous and how the object returns to the wonder of nature. Insofar as conforming to the wonder of nature, there is nothing to choose between the puffed up, black look of the bottle cap and the shrunken white look of the paperback book seemingly purified having lost its letters. They are each incomparable. They could also be described an individual look sought after by the object itself, not for a person but for its own sake. Back to back with demolition, through which everything is reduced to ashes, firing sets things free from artificiality. Perhaps this could be considered a tribute to the utensils that have long been at the humans’ side and served humans. The group of works presented in this exhibition, which were produced by covering the utensils with clay and paper like cocoons and firing them, made me feel so particularly strongly.
Unlike the utensils, Nishimura has not done anything to the book. He simply happened to be turning the pages of this book, came across the clover, and added it to the current display as a work. This book has memories of the diverse human efforts exerted during the eighty years since its publication. By responding to it as a single life, in the same way as Basho did with the violet, Nishimura may also have been conforming to the wonder of nature. In that respect, there is no difference between Nishimura’s fired works and the book. As a creator of plastic arts, through his method of seemingly undertaking experiments in firing in a serene state of mind, Nishimura calmly observes how things metamorphose and, at the same time, exercises his superb intellect to unceasingly deepen his self-awareness and introspection towards the state of his own visual and tactile sensations. On the other hand, I feel it is also his poetic mentality, which is in some ways akin to Basho, that has supported his creativity. When he came across that clover, the poetic temperament, which normally retreats to the back of the artist’s eyes, hands, and intellect, may have been the first to make a move so that the boundary between artificiality and the wonder of nature became indistinguishable. If so, wasn’t this encounter an unexpected stroke of good luck for Nishimura, who had been pondering over “anonymity in art” from when he was young?



西村 陽平 / Yohei Nishimura

1947年 京都市生まれ。1973年 東京教育大学教育学部芸術学科卒業。1975年頃より、やかんや缶などの金属の焼成に取り組み、日常の世界では見えにくい素材の違いを焼成のプロセスを通じて際立たせる作品を制作し始めた。その後さらに、書籍を1200℃で焼成させた作品のシリーズに取り組む。千葉県立盲学校教諭を23年間つとめ、国内外で触覚をテーマにしたワークショップも多数行っている。

1977「第4回日本陶芸展」外務大臣賞受賞、2019 西村陽平展「花の骨」/画廊香月[銀座]、2020「我ら人生のただ中にあって」画廊香月、artTNZ /東京、画廊香月より出展

Born in 1953 in Kyoto, Japan
Graduated from the Tokyo University of Education.
Since about 1975, he has been working on the firing of metals such as kettles and cans, and has begun to create works that emphasize the differences in materials that are difficult to see in the everyday world through the firing process. After that, he worked on a series of works in which books were fired at 1200℃.A pioneer in specialized teaching for the blind in Japan, he taught for 23 years at a school for the visually impaired in Chiba .
Professor of Japan’s Women’s University in Tokyo (~2016)
Awarded The Foreign Minister’s prize by the Japan ceramic art exhibition 1977.
Yohei Nishimura Exhibition “Bone of Flower” / Gallery Kazuki,Ginza
His works can be found in numerous collections including those of the Museum of Contemporary Art of Tokyo, the Museum of Decorative Arts in Paris, the Ariana Museum in Geneva and the Victoria and Albert Museum in London.

アーティスト詳細 ▼