画廊香月/ギャラリーモリタ創設25周年記念特別企画 vol.1 池田龍雄展 – 我が心のメルヴェーユ –

Tatsuo Ikeda Exhibition

2015年3月14日(土) - 4月 5日(日)

■ テキスト
〝 画廊香月〟を銀座に開いた。

主旨 – ご挨拶に代えて
春寒の候 みなさまいかがお過ごしですか。
福岡では2011年1月 池田龍雄 回顧展「アヴァンギャルドの軌跡」(福岡県立美術館)、2014年4月 「告発する美術1 池田龍雄」(福岡県立美術館)と続いての開催となります。また、2014年に西日本新聞で84回にわたり連載された(4月15日~7月26日)聞き書きシリーズ「画家 池田龍雄さん /わたしの百物語」は同時代を生き抜いた多くのファンが魅了されました。

■ レビュー
我が心のメルヴェーユ ー北の眼・南の眼ー
わたしは 遂に解のないこの問題を、ずっと胸の奥に抱え込んだまま今もなお執拗に絵を描き続けている。まるで、絵を描き続けることそのことがその答えであるかのように。
今や 絵を描くこと,表現することは、わたしにとって殆ど「業」のようなものであろうか。しかしそれは決して辛い「苦行」ではない。楽しく面白い「苦労」である。
面白い苦労の果てに生み出されてきた作品を、わたしは恐る恐る-内心では自信たっぷりー他者の眼に晒す。そこでようやく表現は完結し,そのとき作品は晴れて「Objet de Art」(オダジュダール)となってこの世に生まれ出る。その媒体もしくは場所となるのが,美術館であり街の画廊だ。とりわけ画廊は,作品をいわゆる「展示価値」として扱うだけではなく。「貨幣価値」に替えて観客の手に渡してくれる重要な場所である。

■ 池田龍雄 略歴
1928 佐賀県伊万里市に生まれる
1945 海軍航空の特攻隊出撃寸前で終戦を迎える
1948 多摩美入学、岡本太郎、花田清輝、安部公房らの戦後アヴァンギャルド芸術運動に参加
1954 最初の個展 以来現在まで国内外で展覧会多数
1955 神奈川県立近代美術館「今日の新人展」以後、国立近代美術館、東京都都美術館、各地の美術館の企画・主催展覧会に多数出品
1972 無窮運動『梵天の塔』を始動 現在も続けている
1984 横浜市民ギャラリーで「池田龍雄展」
1985 伊東市、池田20世紀美術館で「池田龍雄の世界展」
2010 山梨県立美術館、岡本太郎美術館、福岡県立美術館にて、回顧展『アヴァンギャルドの軌跡』を巡回
2012~13年 「ベストセレクション日本近代美術の100年」国立近代美術館





■ opening
3月14日 pm17:00~ オープニングレセプション
3月15日 pm16:00~ 池田龍雄氏によるギャラリートーク「わたしにとって,絵とは何か」
会場 ギャラリーモリタ 参加費 ¥2.000 (1drink ) 50名限定(要予約)

■ text
Pablo Picasso once said, “Art is the lie that enables us to realize the truth”.
Tatsuo Ikeda says, “Art is the desperate play and battle. ”
As for me, I opened Gallery KAZUKI after 3.11, having the question, “Is there hope in a case?”
If art doesn’t ask us any question, there is nothing to be the exsistance of art. It does not need to tell us the answer, but should ask the question that has no answer. It does not have a courage to ask questions, which already have a answer to be prepared. How far does art show their playing?
Art gives shape to something it’s looking for, and it demands places to be with humanbeing. It’s persistently asking the question and chasing a dream endlessly.
Why Tatsuo Ikeda, young kamikaze squad who lived his life to the fullest at the age of 15, draw a picture?
We show a lot of objects and paints that Ikeda made, a man who could have lived only by drawing.
Gallery KAZUKI Hitomi Kazuki

■ review
This year, 2015, is the 25th anniversary for Gallery Kazuki and Gallery MORYTA.
To celebrate this, we are pleased to hold the special exhibition of Tatsuo Ikeda, who is a pioneer in avant-garde art.
As Taro Okamoto, Ikeda is one of the precursors in art after World War Ⅱ, still leading the way as facing contemporary history between “Hiroshima” and “Fukushima”.
His exhibition is going to be held in Fukuoka, followed by “The Trafectory of Postwar Avant-garde Art” (Fukuoka Prefectural museum of art) on January 2011 and “The Prosecuting Art Tatsuo Ikeda” (Fukuoka Prefectural museum of art) on April 2014.
In addition, “My hundred histories”, published eighty four times serially in Nishinippon Shimbun, attracted a lot of funs living through the same generation as Mr. Ikeda.
On the first day, we are going to hold the opening reception with Tatsuo Ikeda, and gallery talk on the following day. We look forward to seeing you here at Gallery MORYTA.

“My Merveille in My Heart ~the eye of North and South~”

What is the paint? Why does people draw a picture?
I have been continually drawing pictures with a question, which would never be solved so far, as if the action itself is an answer.
Painting and expressing may be “Karma” for me now.
However, it is not an asceticism, but is more likely an enjoyable “hardship”.
I am afraid; but have a full of confident inside of my heart, of showing my work created by an enjoyable hardship, to others. When they see my work, finally it becomes an “Objet de Art”.
The museums and local art galleries take roll of mediation or place for our works.
Galleries are especially important in terms of treating the art not only as “value of objects”, but also as “value of currency”, and convey to customers.
However, these works are not created for selling at the first point, so it is very hard to convert contemporary arts, which are often said to be difficult to understand and evaluate, from “value of objects” to “value of currency”.

Gallery Kazuki, moving from Fukuoka to Tokyo 5 years ago, are now trying to face this difficulties resolutely. The owner Hitomi Kazuki’s passion and loves for art are the source of energy for maintaining this gallery.
In this time, the solo exhibition produced by the “Gallery Kazuki” is going to be held at “Gallery MORYTA” in Fukuoka.
Fukuoka is the nearest metropolitan city for me who was borned in Imari city, Saga.
Fukuoka also reminds me of my retrospective exhibition at Fukuoka Prefectural museum of art, held for 4 years ago.

In this exhibition, I will show you a bunch of drawings in both old works and new works. Most of them have been exhibited last year at KANDA NISSHO MEMORIAL MUSEUM of ART in Hokkaido.
These works moved from Hokkaido to Kyushu directly. As a generator of this occasion, I am looking forward to seeing how people in Fukuoka react for this exhibition, which already have been seen in Hokkaido.
Tatsuo Ikeda

■ Biogrphy
Tatsuo Ikeda was born in Imari city Saga Prefectural.
He entered into a losing World WarⅡ at age 17 as a kamikaze pilot in the Imperial Japanese Navy Air Service in 1945.
After War, He enter The Tama Art and Design School(present day Tama Art University) and joined with OKAMOTO TARO,HANADA KIYOTERU ‘Avant-Garde movement’
His first solo show was held in 1954 and since then his work has been exhibited extensively in Japan and over the world.
He has been showing drawings since 50s with using ink. Becouse he could not afford proper subjects matter for a painting.
His work’s ‘ Uchinada’ at the Yomiuri Independent Exhibition in 1954 launched him into fame.
He created satirical or accusatorial works 60s.
Afterword 70s, he set out the large-scale ‘BRAHMAN’ series that painted the universe and life profoundly through fifteen years.
This led to the ‘Ba no Iso'(Phase in Fields) series that he is still working at his great age 86.
Recently, Ikeda’s work was began to known In foreign countries as well as Japan in the exhibition「Tokyo 1955-1970: A New Avant-Garde ( The Museum of Modern Art, New York/2012) and 「The Trajectory of Postwar Avant-garde Art 」(Taro Okamoto Memorial Museum・Fukuoka Prefectural Museum of Art・Yamanashi Prefectural Museum of Art )

2014 Tatsuo Ikeda Fukuoka Art Museum ,Fukuoka Japan
2011 The Trajectory of Postwar Avant garde Art – Fukuoka Prefectural Museum of Art,Fukuoka Japan
2010 The Trajectory of Postwar Avant-garde Art – Taro Okamoto Memorial Museum,Tokyo Japan

2013 Beyond Corrupt Eye Akumulathory 2 Gallery,1972-1990 – Museum of Contemporary Art in Kraków (MOCAK),Krakow Poland
1950s/’60s – Bunkyo Art,Tokyo Japan
2012 Tokyo 1955-1970 New Avant-Garde The Museum of Modern Art New York (MOMA),New York USA
Art Will Thrill You! : The Essence of Modern Japanese Art The National Museum of Modern Art Tokyo,Tokyo Japan
Beyond Corrupt Eye Akumulathory 2 Gallery,1972-1990 – Zacheta – National Gallery of Art, Warsaw
2010 “Japanese Art 1950 – 2010” – The National Museum of Art Romania,Bucharest
Collection 3.Japanese Art 1950 – 2010 – NMAO National Museum of Art Osaka ,Osaka Japana
2009 Affectionate artists Shuzo Takeguchi loved – Bunkyo Art,Tokyo Japan
2006 Group Exhibition – Bunkyo Art,Tokyo Japan
2005 Shigeo Ishii / Tasuo Ikeda – Bunkyo Art,Tokyo Japan
2003 Art of Modern Japan – National Museum of Modern Art Tokyo(MOMAT),Tokyo Japan
CAMK Grand Opening Commemorative Exhibition,Vol3 – Contemporary Art Museum Kumamoto – (CAMK),Kumamoto Japan
2000 Visage:Painting and the Human Face in 20th – Century Art – National Museum of Modern Art Kyoto(MOMAK),Kyoto Japan
Visage:Painting and the Human Face in 20th – Century Art – NMWA The National Museum of Western Art,Tokyo Japan
1994 When The Body Becomes Art – Itabashi Art Museum,Tokyo Japan

Tokyo Metropolitan Art Museum,Tokyo/National Museum of Modern Art Tokyo(MOMAT)/The Museum Modern Art,Toyama /Saga Prefectural Art Museum /Yamanashi Prefectural Museum of Art / The National Museum of Art,Osaka/The Setagaya Art Museum / The Tokushima Modern Art Museum / Hiroshima City Museum of Contemporary Art / Takamatsu City Museum of Art /Niigataa City Art Museum / The National Museum of Modern Art Tokyo / Mie Prefectural Art Museum / Itabashi Art Museum / Nerima Art Museum / Tochigi Prefectural Museum of Fine Arts / Aichi Prefectural Museum of Art /
The Museum Modern Art,Wakayama / The Miyagi Museum of Art / Fukuoka Art Museum / Utsunomiya Museum of Art / Nagoya City Art Museum /
Machida City Museum of Graphic Arts / Fukuoka Prefectural Museum of Art / Tokyo Art Museum / Kanda Nissho Memorial Museum of Art etc

Gallery MORYTA
2F Lofty Akasaka 3-9-28 Akasaka,Chuo-ku Fukuoka 810-0042 JAPAN
Tel : + 81(0)92-716-1032 / Fax : + 81(0)92-732-7327
Mail : info@g-morita.com