Tatsuo Ikeda
以降、風刺と諧謔に満ちたペン画のシリーズを次々と生み出す。文学、演劇、映像とジャンル横断的に繰り広げられる 戦後美術のなかで、多彩な芸術家や美術批評家と交わりながら、自らの制作活動を展開していった。1960年代後半からは概念芸術にも関心を抱き自らパフォーマンスを行うとともに、宇宙と生命の深奥を描いた15年に及ぶ連作「BRAHMAN」を手がける。
▪️ プロフィール
1928 佐賀県に生まれる
1948 多摩造形芸術専門学校(現多摩美術大学)入学
1954 養清堂画廊にて初個展 以後国内外での個展・グループ展多数
1982 「瀧口修造と戦後美術」富山県立近代美術館/富山
1985 「池田龍雄の世界展」池田20世紀美術館/静岡
1985 「再構成・日本の前衛1945-65」オックスフォード近代美術館/イギリス
1986 「前衛美術の日本1910-1970」ポンピドーセンター/パリ
1988 「走図展」INAXギャラリー /東京
1992 「日本の現代美術1945-1985」東京都美術館/東京
1995 「戦後文化の軌跡1945-1995」目黒区美術館/東京
1997 「ねりまの美術 97 池田龍雄・中村宏」練馬区立美術館 /東京
1998 「瀧口修造とその周辺」国立国際美術館/大阪
2000 「万歳七唱 岡本太郎の鬼子たち」川崎市岡本太郎美術館/神奈川
2001 第21回 オマージュ瀧口修造展 「漂着」佐谷画廊/東京
2005 「瀧口修造 夢の漂流物」世田谷美術館 /東京
2009 大英博物館・日本館主催 浜田知明展において自選版画100点、彫刻16点を展示
2010 「池田龍雄アヴァンギャルドの軌跡」山梨県立美術館
2010 「池田龍雄アヴァンギャルドの軌跡」川崎市岡本太郎美術館
2010 「池田龍雄アヴァンギャルドの軌跡」福岡県立美術館
2011 「我が心のなかのメルヴェーユ」画廊香月/東京
2012 「漂着 e`pave absolue 2012」画廊香月/東京
2015 「我が心のメルヴェーユ 」Gallery MORYTA・画廊香月/福岡 website
Ikeda Tatsuo was born 1928 in Imari, Saga prefecture. At age 15 he joined the Naval Aviation and while still in training, he entered a losing war as kamikaze pilot.
During the military occupation period he entered a normal school in his home town, but was branded a militarist and expelled within one year. The time during and after the war greatly impacted his values and the experience of the government abusing their power built the starting point for Ikeda’s work.
1948 Ikeda moved to Tokyo to become an artist and enrolled in the (now) Tama Art University. Soon he dove into the “avant-garde art seminar” of Okamoto Taro and Hanada Kiyoteru, which marks the beginning of him walking the path of avant-garde art.
Amid the outbreak of the Korean War, he deepened his understanding of society, explored the possibility of paintings as documentaries. 1954 he drew attention for presenting “Amimoto”, which depicts the Uchinadotōsō, at the Yomiuri Independent Exhibition.
Since then he has brought forth a series of pen drawings full of satire and jokes. Among post-war art, which spans across the genres of literature, theater and film, he developed his own works, while interacting with various artists and art critics. Since the later half of the 1960s he developed an interest in concept art and also performed it himself, as well as working on a 15 year long series called “BRAHMAN”, which depicts the universe and life.
When facing the strict society as an individual, the origins of the universe is unimaginable as a part of life.
Even before the age of 90, he looked back on his own activities in his writing and lectures, showing that the fighting between his thoughts and the times is a difficult struggle that left it’s marks. He became a witness of post-war Japan’s art history as well.
2014 Tatsuo Ikeda Fukuoka Art Museum, Fukuoka Japan
2011 The Trajectory of Postwar Avant garde Art – Fukuoka Prefectural Museum of Art, Fukuoka Japan
2010 The Trajectory of Postwar Avant-garde Art – Taro Okamoto Memorial Museum,Tokyo Japan
2013 Beyond Corrupt Eye Akumulathory 2 Gallery,1972-1990 – Museum of Contemporary Art in Kraków (MOCAK),Krakow Poland
1950s/’60s – Bunkyo Art,Tokyo Japan
2012 Tokyo 1955-1970 New Avant-Garde The Museum of Modern Art New York (MOMA),New York USA
Art Will Thrill You! : The Essence of Modern Japanese Art The National Museum of Modern Art Tokyo,Tokyo Japan
Beyond Corrupt Eye Akumulathory 2 Gallery,1972-1990 – Zacheta – National Gallery of Art, Warsaw
2010 ”Japanese Art 1950 – 2010″ – The National Museum of Art Romania,Bucharest
Collection 3.Japanese Art 1950 – 2010 – NMAO National Museum of Art Osaka ,Osaka Japana
2009 Affectionate artists Shuzo Takeguchi loved – Bunkyo Art,Tokyo Japan
2006 Group Exhibition – Bunkyo Art,Tokyo Japan
2005 Shigeo Ishii / Tasuo Ikeda – Bunkyo Art,Tokyo Japan
2003 Art of Modern Japan – National Museum of Modern Art Tokyo(MOMAT),Tokyo Japan
CAMK Grand Opening Commemorative Exhibition,Vol3 – Contemporary Art Museum Kumamoto – (CAMK),Kumamoto Japan
2000 Visage:Painting and the Human Face in 20th – Century Art – National Museum of Modern Art Kyoto(MOMAK),Kyoto Japan
Visage:Painting and the Human Face in 20th – Century Art – NMWA The National Museum of Western Art,Tokyo Japan
1994 When The Body Becomes Art – Itabashi Art Museum,Tokyo Japan
Tokyo Metropolitan Art Museum,Tokyo/National Museum of Modern Art Tokyo(MOMAT)/The Museum Modern Art,Toyama /Saga Prefectural Art Museum /Yamanashi Prefectural Museum of Art / The National Museum of Art,Osaka/The Setagaya Art Museum / The Tokushima Modern Art Museum / Hiroshima City Museum of Contemporary Art / Takamatsu City Museum of Art /Niigata City Art Museum / The National Museum of Modern Art Tokyo / Mie Prefectural Art Museum / Itabashi Art Museum / Nerima Art Museum / Tochigi Prefectural Museum of Fine Arts / Aichi Prefectural Museum of Art /
The Museum Modern Art,Wakayama / The Miyagi Museum of Art / Fukuoka Art Museum / Utsunomiya Museum of Art / Nagoya City Art Museum /
Machida City Museum of Graphic Arts / Fukuoka Prefectural Museum of Art / Tokyo Art Museum / Kanda Nissho Memorial Museum of Art etc
mixed media・paper
mixed media・paper
mixed media・paper
【Text Japanese】
我が心のメルヴェーユ ー北の風・南の風 池田龍雄ー text
わが画業60年 何であったのかアヴァンギャルド 池田龍雄 text
池田龍雄と触覚の関係 中原佑介 text
【Text English】
“My Merveille in My Heart ~the eye of North and South~” text
Sixty Years as an Artist What Was Avant-Garde? text
The Relationship Between IKEDA Tatsuo and the Sense of Touch text
【Website Japanese】
Curators TV 川浪千鶴 「池田龍雄 アヴァンギャルドの軌跡」 website